The Hospice Tools help center was created to bring you helpful resources such as: our help guides, how-to video tutorials, & articles with linked associated sources. Check back regularly for content! Your feedback is important to us, please let us know what else we can do to help. 

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You will need HR manager permissions within User Management, located under System Access.

Help Guide:

HR Tab Professional Qualifications

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To assign specific compensation to work types and employee type, you will need eDocs User Management permission.

Help Guide:

Compensation Methods

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To add employees into the Hospice Tools EMR you will need: Edocs user manager. This is located within the SYSTEM ACCESS field in User Management. 


Hospice Tools is not responsible for managing provider's employees user permissions ,system access, or job titles.  If you are the owner of the agency please contact your client success rep directly for further assistance. 


Help Guides:

User Management- Employee Setup

Job Title Permissions

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See all 9 articles

Mileage should be logged using the TimeKeeper module. Timekeeper can be accessed via the mobile apps or via the desktop version, by selecting TimeKeeper.


Help Guide:

TimeKeeper Travel Entry

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The Master Payroll report is to show all accumulated hours and mileage for the selected pay period.


Help Guide:

Master Payroll Report

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The Timekeeper Daily Activities with Gaps Report shows time duration between activities for all employees.


Help Guide:

TimeKeeper Daily Activities with Gaps Report

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The Admin Override Report is used to identify time entries that were overridden by the administrator within and outside the pay periods.


Help Guide:

TimeKeeper Admin Override Report


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Employee's can request PTO through the TimeKeeper portal. Adjustments can also be made by an administrator through user management within the Employee tab and TimeKeeper with TimeKeeper administrator permission.


Help Guides:

User Management PTO Adjustment

Admin PTO Adjustment via TimeKeeper

Employee PTO via TimeKeeper



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To indicate PTO is being used, the employee will go through the TimeKeeper module.


Step 1: Within the edocs in the upper right hand corner, click on your name and select TimeKeeper

Step 2: The EMR will open up TimeKeeper in a second tab within your browser

Step 3: Proceed to select Time Entry at the top of the screen within the toolbar, or Click the Today button to bring you to the current time sheet. Proceed to select the date from the calendar displayed to the left of the screen to select an upcoming date

Step 4: Click the +Add button and proceed to enter a start and end time. 

Step 5: Within the Activity Type drop down menu select PTO

Step 6: Click Save & Verfiy


Help guide:

TimeKeeper Employee PTO


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See all 7 articles

412.22 Certification of terminal illness: As of January 1, 2011, a hospice physician or hospice nurse practitioner must have a face-to-face encounter with each hospice patient whose total stay across all hospices is anticipated to reach the 3rd benefit period. The face-to-face encounter must occur prior to, but no more than 30 calendar days prior to, the 3rd benefit period recertification, and every benefit period recertification thereafter, to gather clinical findings to determine continued eligibility for hospice care.


Hospice Tools Help Guide:

Face to Face Encounter


CMS Hospice Face to Face Fact Sheet 




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For the initial 90-day period, the hospice must obtain written certification statements  and oral certification statements from the medical director of the hospice or the physician member of the hospice interdisciplinary group, and the individual's attending physician, if the individual has an attending physician. 

For subsequent periods, the only requirement is certification by the medical director of the hospice.



Medicare Chapter 9

SOM Appendix M

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Initial Certifications & recertification of terminal illness should be performed by the medical director of the hospice or the physician member of the hospice’s IDG.

Recertification may be completed no more than 15 calendar days prior to the start of the subsequent benefit period.


The RN case manager directly involved in the patient's care can perform a nurse recertification as an "administrative component" in order to assist the Medical Director in making the final determination of a life expectancy of 6 months of less. It is recommended that they complete the nurse recertification within the specific time frame in order to have enough time to gather enough information so that the medical director can make the final determination of a life expectancy of 6 months of less. 


*The nurse recertification documentation included within the Hospice Tools EMR is not a requirement per Medicare Benefit Policy. 


A complete written certification/recertification must include:

1. The statement that the individual’s medical prognosis is that their life expectancy is 6 months or less if the terminal illness runs its normal course
2. Specific clinical findings and other documentation supporting a life expectancy of 6 months or less
3. The signature(s) of the physician(s), the date signed, and the benefit period dates that the certification or recertification covers (for more on signature requirements, see Pub. 100-08, Medicare Program Integrity Manual, chapter 3, section
4. As of October 1, 2009, the physician’s brief narrative explanation of the clinical
findings that supports a life expectancy of 6 months or less as part of the certification and recertification forms, or as an addendum to the certification and recertification forms



Medicare Benefit Chapter 9

SOM Appendix M

eCFR :: 42 CFR Part 418 -- Hospice Care



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Action Items will populate for the patients as steps are completed when admitting a patient and during ongoing care. Once the patient is set to admitted on the intake screen the EMR will trigger a action item that a Verbal CTI from MD & Attending MD (if applicable). The verbal serves as an interim until a written CTI can be completed by the internal MD, and the attending MD (if one is involved in the patient's care).

Help Guide:

Action Items

The Medical Director can generate the Hospice Physician Initial Certification located under the Certifications chart section in eDocs. The MD certification is only accessible by the MD.

Help Guides:

Medical Director CTI
Recertification Dashboard

Calendar Document Creation

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The Active Care Plan report allows you to see all active care plans for each patient which includes severity score and last update.


Help Guide: 

Active Care Plans Report


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The bereavement caregiver report should be run on a monthly basis to view all caregiver contact information for every expired patient.

Help Guide:

Bereavement Caregiver Report

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The Bereavement CQI report is used to view which bereavement documentation has been completed for each patient 


Help Guide:

Bereavement CQI Report

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The unfinished forms report will show all documentation that has been created by a staff member, for each patient, and the date and time it was created. The report also identifies all documentation that is currently awaiting a signature from one or more associated team members.

Help Guide:

Unfinished Forms




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The DNR report can identify which patients have a DNR designation in the intake screen and which of those patients have an official document in their chart. 

Help Guide:

DNR Report

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Action items are connected to a required documentation that is missing or a patient intake information that needs to be updated. 

Help Guide:

Action Items



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See all 13 articles

The Instructions provided below are from CMS directly. For more information contact the QIES Helpdesk directly at 800-339-9313 or E-mail:

CMS Help Guides:

Getting Started with the Hospice Quality Reporting Program

Pulse Secure (Ivanti Connect Secure) Install Guide



Timeliness Compliance Threshold for HIS Submissions: Fact Sheet

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A Facility ID (FAC_ID) is the CMS assigned a unique facility identifier that must be entered into your EMR for HIS record submissions assigned to the provider for submission processing. This ID is used to identify submissions from your provider. You will receive this ID when you obtain your QIES user ID. If you did not receive a facility ID contact CMS directly. QIES Helpdesk: 800-339-9313 or E-mail:


Help Guide:

Company & Office Management- Facility ID


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Hospice Item Set (HIS) is a patient level data collection tool developed by CMS. Hospices are required to submit a HIS Admission record and a HIS­-Discharge record for each patient for ALL payer sources. Completing and submitting HIS forms in a timely fashion is a regularly issue that can impact payments to your hospice Agency. 


HIS Manual

HIS Submission Guide


Timeliness Compliance Threshold for HIS Submissions: Fact Sheet


Hospice Tools Help Guides:

HIS Dashboard

HIS Inactivation 

HIS Modification 



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The IDG Dashboard is located in 360 tab. The IDG dashboard should be utilized every 15 days min. or weekly rolling if you have multiple IDG teams or IDG meeting every week:

  • Full agenda sheet of patients with critical patient information
  • Easy chart access
  • Start new IDG update & review previous right from the dashboard
  • Patient's sorted by status and case manager for streamlined meetings

Help Guides:

IDG Update via Progress Notes

IDG Dashboard Help Guide

Updating Visit Frequencies in IDG Dashboard

How -To-Video:

IDG Update Using the Progress Note

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Hospice Tools Suggested Workflow:

  1.  Complete the Psychosocial Assessment: The assessment should be completed within 5 calendar days of admission. The psychosocial assessment is located in the Assessments chart section 
  2. Veteran History Checklist: If a patient is a veteran, complete within 5 days of start of care
  3. Complete the Psychosocial Visit Note : The visit note can be used to document scheduled visits or PRN visits. Document a patient and family's mental, emotional, and behavioral status in addition to needs for spiritual support. The last page of the visit note contains the symptom based care plan dashboard prompting social worker  to identify any new or update on existing problems
  4. Social Worker Progress Note: The Social Worker Progress Note can be used for a variety of situations including PRN visits, missed visits, phone calls, care plan meetings, care coordination, etc. One of it's primary uses is for providing an IDG update. See help guide:  
  5. Care Plan & Update: The symptom based care plan dashboard: is located within Plan of Care chart section as well as the last page of the Psychosocial visit note. The overall plan of care needs to be updated with any changes in problems, goals, & interventions every 15 days min.
  6. Patient Incident Report: To be completed as needed to document incidents that occur such as falls, suspected abuse/neglect etc. The patient incident report is located in the Miscellaneous chart section
  7. Volunteer Request Form: To be completed as needed when patient/caregiver requests a volunteer (if request is made of spiritual counselor). The request form is sent to volunteer coordinator for review and volunteer assignment

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Hospice Tools Suggested Workflow:

  1.  Complete the Spiritual Assessment: The assessment should be completed within 5 calendar days of admission. The spiritual assessment is located in the Assessments chart section. 
  2. Complete the Spiritual Visit Note : The visit note can be used to document scheduled visits or PRN visits. Document a patient and family's mental, emotional, and behavioral status in addition to needs for spiritual support. The last page of the visit note contains the symptom based care plan dashboard prompting spiritual counselor to identify any new or update on existing problems.
  3. Spiritual Progress Note: The Spiritual Counselor Progress Note can be used for a variety of situations including PRN visits, missed visits, phone calls, care plan meetings, care coordination, etc. One of it's primary uses is for providing an IDG update. See help guide:  on using the Progress Note for IDG updates 
  4. Care Plan & Update: The symptom based care plan dashboard: is located within Plan of Care chart section as well as the last page of the spiritual visit note. The overall plan of care needs to be updated with any changes in problems, goals, & interventions every 15 days min.
  5. Patient Incident Report: To be completed as needed to document incidents that occur such as falls, suspected abuse/neglect etc. The patient incident report is located in the Miscellaneous chart section
  6. Volunteer Request Form: To be completed as needed when patient/caregiver requests a volunteer (if request is made of spiritual counselor). The request form is sent to volunteer coordinator for review and volunteer assignment


Hospice Tools Spiritual Counselor Checklist

NHPCO Medicare COP Spiritual Caregiver

SOM Appendix M



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Within the Timekeeper module, indicate the start and end time, select Office/Administrative, and proceed to click Save & Verify.


Help Guide:

Volunteer Administrative Hours

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The SFP is a program conducted by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to identify hospices as poor performers, based on defined quality indicators, in which CMS selects hospices for increased oversight to ensure that they meet Medicare requirements.

The SFP implementation is on January 1, 2024. However, on the CMS Hospice Forum Call on November 14, 2023, they indicated that while the effective date of the SFP is January 1, 2024, the selection of hospices for the SFP is not expected to begin until late 2024.

For more information: CMS Hospice Special Focus Program

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Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and System (CAHPS)  is a national  survey of family members or friends who cared for a patient who died while under hospice care. The survey is conducted monthly ,and contains 47 questions covering topics of interest to family caregivers and hospice patients. Survey results are published as part of Care Compare on the website.

For more information:

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HVLDL measure indicates the hospice provider’s proportion of patients who have received visits from a registered nurse or medical social worker (non-telephonically) on at least two out of the final three days of the patient’s life.

For more information : NHPCO HVLDL Quality Measures

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412.22 Certification of terminal illness: As of January 1, 2011, a hospice physician or hospice nurse practitioner must have a face-to-face encounter with each hospice patient whose total stay across all hospices is anticipated to reach the 3rd benefit period. The face-to-face encounter must occur prior to, but no more than 30 calendar days prior to, the 3rd benefit period recertification, and every benefit period recertification thereafter, to gather clinical findings to determine continued eligibility for hospice care.



CMS Hospice Face to Face Fact Sheet 


SOM Appendix M


Hospice Tools Help Guide:

Recertification Dashboard

Face to Face Encounter

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Smart care plans allow you to develop individualized symptom based care plans to address specific problem(s), in order to establish measurable goals, interventions and outcomes to ensure your patients are receiving the best quality care.


How-to-video: Smart Care Plans dashboard

Help Guide: Symptom Based Care Plan Dashboard


*Please note the individualized care plans should be updated at a minimum of every 15 days if not more often as the patient's condition requires as they encompass the patient's overall plan of care.

Care plan problems, goals, and interventions can be modified at any time to fit your agency's needs.  To submit a request send a support ticket to and include any additional problems you would like added along with accompanying suggested goals, interventions, and outcomes. 


Interdisciplinary Group, Care Planning, and Coordination of Service

418.569(d) Standard: Review of the Plan of Care eCFR :: 42 CFR 418.56 -- Condition of participation: Interdisciplinary group, care planning, and coordination of services


Specific (Simple, Sensible, Significant)

Measurable (meaningful, motivating)

Achievable (agreed, attainable)

Relevant (reasonable, realistic, resourced results-based)

Time Bound ( time-based, time limited, time/cost limited, timely, time-sensitive)

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§418.56(b) Standard Plan of Care: All hospice care and services furnished to patients and their families must follow an individualized written plan of care established by the hospice interdisciplinary group in collaboration with the attending physician (if any), the patient or representative, and the primary caregiver in accordance with the patient's needs if any of them so desire. The plan of care must review, revise, and document the individualized plan as frequently as the patient's condition requires, but no less frequently than every 15 calendar days. This includes any of the SMART care plan problems being addressed.


Standard: Content of the plan of care: The hospice must develop an individualized written plan of care for each patient. The plan of care must reflect patient and family goals and interventions based on the problems identified in the initial, comprehensive, and updated comprehensive assessments. The plan of care must include all services necessary for the palliation and management of the terminal illness and related conditions, including the following: 

    1. Interventions to manage pain and symptoms.
    2. A detailed statement of the scope and frequency of services necessary to meet the specific patient and family needs.
    3. Measurable outcomes anticipated from implementing and coordinating the plan of care.
    4. Drugs and treatment necessary to meet the needs of the patient
    5. Medical Supplies an appliances necessary to meet the needs of the patient.
    6. The interdisciplinary group's documentation of the patient's or representative's level of understanding, involvement, and agreement with the plan of care, in accordance with the hospice's own policies ,in the clinical record

Plan of Care Resources: 

SOM-Appendix M-Guidance to Surveyors

CHAP Hospice Standards of Excellence

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418.76 Condition of participation: Hospice aide and homemaker services

All hospice aide services must be provided by individuals who meet the personnel requirements specified in paragraph (a) of this section. Homemaker services must be provided by individuals who meet the personnel requirements specified in paragraph (j) of this section.

(g)Standard: Hospice aide assignment and duties

Hospice aides are assigned to a specific patient by a registered nurse that is a member of the interdisciplinary group. Written patient care instructions for a hospice aide must be prepared by a registered nurse who is responsible for the supervision of a hospice aide

Help Guide:

Hospice Aide Care Plan

Additional Resources:

State Operations-Appendix M

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Congratulations on passing your survey!


For all patients that were on care prior to your certification date you'll want to immediately proceed to discharge and then readmit your patients as if they were never on your care, indicating the new admission date as the official date of certification. (This does not include expired patients)


All patients prior to your agency becoming certified were on care "pro-bono". In order to successfully bill Medicare & any other insurances for hospice All new admission paperwork needs to be completed to reflect this new date of certification. This includes all initial assessments, CTIs, Informed Consent, Benefit Election to reflect the new date of certification. DO NOT wait until Medicare enrollments are processed to do this. 


The Cert period information on the patient's intake screen should be left BLANK, until you are connected to billing and have the ability to run the patient's eligibility in the system in order to accurately reflect the appropriate date to be entered into the Cert Begin field. This will allow you to identify which benefit period the patient is currently in.


If you're not able to add payor sources you'll need to complete the ebilling set up form to have Medicare added, and the Payer Request form to add other insurances. 


Help Guide:

Discharging & Readmitting

How-to Video:

Patient Readmit Process

Additional Resources: 

Medicare Enrollment PECOS

Billing Forms: 

ebilling Set Up

Additional Payer Request

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Medicare surveys for compliance with the CoPs ( Conditions of Participation) are completed by state agencies or deemed status accrediting bodies no less frequently than once every three years to review the hospices compliance with the CoPs (Subpart C and D of the Medicare hospice regulations). However, surveys may occur at any time as a result of a complaint. A state may also do separate state licensure surveys. When deficiencies are cited (standard or condition level), a plan of correction is required, and a follow up survey may occur. 


SOM Appendix M Guide to Surveyors

NHPCO Hospice Survey Readiness and Response Toolkit

CHAP Hospice Standards of Excellence


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When you receive your letter from CMS you'll want to do the following:

Step 1: Send us your PTAN (CCN). This should be located at the top of your letter from CMS

Step 2: Email us your Medicare Tie-In Letter & Complete the ebilling enrollment form 

Complete the Additional Payer Source form to have additional payors added

  • Once received and the information is processed, a biller will be assigned to your facility and provide you with the training link to schedule an overview of ebilling module. *Please be advise if anything is missing, or does not match you will be contacted by billing to provide the information required in order to avoid Medicare rejection. 

*If you cannot locate your tie-in letter, an acceptable alternative is a print out of your 855A from PECOS: Welcome to the Medicare Provider Enrollment, Chain, and Ownership System (PECOS) (

Step 3: Make sure you also have your FAC_ID (facility id). You will need this in order to export your HIS records from the EMR. If you do not have this contact CMS directly: 888-238-2122



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Step 1: Ask the auditor for an email address they would like to use for their login. Please note: If they have surveyed another hospice that uses Hospice Tools as their EMR, they will need to provide a different email address.

Step 2: You will need edocs User Manager & Auditor Manager (located under System Access in user management)  to create the auditor account, and to assign the patients & documentation they have requested to review.

Step 3: Proceed to create an account for the auditor in User Management. A system email will be sent from  with a temporary password.

Help Guide: Auditor Management

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The provider will need to enroll their information at CMS Identity Management to access their PS&R reports, and then they can use that information to fill out the self determined CAP Report

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CAP reports are self reporting, and are the responsibility of the provider to track due dates and submit the required information. 

*Medicare will withhold all payments unless or until the required information is received, timely submission is a priority to prevent delay in revenue. 

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An ebilling document warning in the claims tab is to identify the missing required Medicare documentation in order to submit the claim for billing. 


Document Warnings:

  • Written Medical Director Certification (this is your internal MD)

  • Attending Physician Written Certification (the AP your patient chose)
  • Face to Face ( Can be performed by the MD or NP)
  • Written Medical Director Recertification (this is your internal MD) 

*Attendings are not required to recertify patients.

If the patient does NOT have an active attending physician and you want to clear the document warning in ebilling for an Attending Physician written certification- proceed to download the internal MD's certification and upload it back into the chart. From the dropdown menu select Attending Physician Certification, and enter the date the certification was completed by the MD.


Check out: Uploading Documentation


Alternative Recommendation: Ask our support team about a Combined Hospice Physician Certification: This document can be used when the patient does not elect an attending physician, or their elected attending, is a NP who cannot certify a patient as terminally ill. The combined CTI will satisfy both ebilling document warnings for Hospice Physician Initial Certifications 


Sources of certification.

(1) For the initial 90-day period, the hospice must obtain written certification statements (and oral certification statements if required under paragraph (a)(3) of this section) from—

(i) The medical director of the hospice or the physician member of the hospice interdisciplinary group; and

(ii) The individual's attending physician, if the individual has an attending physician. The attending physician must meet the definition of physician specified in § 410.20 of this subchapter.

(2) For subsequent periods, the only requirement is certification by one of the physicians listed in paragraph (c)(1)(i) of this section.


Help Guide: 

ebilling document warnings

eCFR :: 42 CFR Part 418 -- Hospice Care

Medicare Chapter 9

Code of Federal Regulations


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For charity patients that acquire insurance you'll need to discharge and readmit your patient, indicating the new admission date as the official date of of eligibility. 


In order to bill Medicare & or other insurances for hospice All new admission paperwork needs to be completed to reflect this new date of eligibility. This includes: Informed Consent, Notice of Election, Patient Rights, CTIs, & Initial Assessments


Help Guide: 

Discharging & Readmitting

Patient Financials- Charity Care

How-to Video: 

Patient Readmit Process

Patient Financials

Additional Resource: Medicare Benefit Policy Chapter 9


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Exporting of documentation can be done individually or in bulk and can be downloaded as a PDF or directly sent to your hospice tools email. 


1. Click into a patient's chart

2. Click edocs tab & click the Export Chart Button


Help Guide:

Exporting Documentation

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Missed visits should be documented using a progress note in the Hospice Tools EMR according to the specific discipline.


1. Start out by selecting the corresponding Progress Note from your chart section 

2. Select Missed Visit from the Purpose of Progress Note dropdown


If you do not have this option in your documentation, please email and request that this category be added to your documentation. 


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418.113 Conditions of Participation: Emergency Preparedness

The hospice must comply with applicable Federal, State, and local emergency preparedness requirements. The hospice must establish and maintain an emergency preparedness program that must include, but not limited to, the following requirements: 



eCFR :: 42 CFR 418.113 -- Condition of participation: Emergency preparedness.

SOM Appendix Z-Emergency Preparedness


Document Recommendation: There is a emergency template that should be included in your EMR. If you do not have this or would like this added please email



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The original author of the document should click into the document and click MORE and then Request Deletion. A reason will need to be provided and then approved by either the Administrator, DCS or Regional Nurse.

Please note: The EMR randomly decides who the request will be sent to. However, if you are the DCS and requesting the deletion you cannot approve your own request it will default to the Admin or Regional Nurse's dashboard for approval

Help Guide: Document Deletion

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You can amend and correct the document and select an alternative employee for signature. Make sure the employee is qualified to do so within their scope of practice. 


*Signatures cannot be deleted from documentation. If you need to remove a signature the document will need to be redone entirely. 


Help Guide: Amending & Correcting Documents for Signature

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See all 8 articles

To add, edit, move, or delete events in the calendar you'll need  Schedule Admin in user management in order to make adjustments for yourself and other team members. This is located under system access. Contact your agency's internal head administrator to adjust your user management permissions. 

Hospice Tools is not responsible for managing your employees system permissions. 

Help Guides:

Calendar- Scheduling Events

Document Creation

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You can assign a document to yourself or any discipline for use for a specific event(s) via the calendar.  This feature will only work for events in the future, not for same day events. You can assign more than one employee a document or more than one document for one employee.


* As this time the calendar does NOT allow you to access the document from the calendar. The calendar will show you when the document associated with the event type has been completed, this is indicated by a green check mark in the upper right hand corner of the event.  Click into the completed event and scroll to the bottom to view the completed documentation. 



Help Guide: Calendar Document Creation

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Documents can be uploaded into patient's chart as long as they are in PDF format.


Help Guide: Uploading Documentation

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  1. Click into the patient's chart and select the vertical ellipses.
  2. Select Request Delete Patient. A reason will need to be provided.
  3. This deletion request will be sent to the Admin, DCS, or Regional Nurses' dashboard for approval.

*If there is any documentation in the chart, it will need to be deleted before the system will allow the deletion. Hospice Tools is not responsible for deleting patients or any clinical documentation.

Help guide: Deleting Patients



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The original author of the document should click into the document and click MORE and then Request Deletion. A reason will need to be provided and then approved by either the Administrator, DCS, or Regional Nurse.

Please note: The EMR randomly decides who the request will be sent to. However, if you are the DCS and requesting the deletion, you cannot approve your own request it will default to the Admin or Regional Nurse's dashboard for approval. Hospice Tools is not responsible for deleting documentation or patients. 


Help Guide: Document Deletion Request

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A homemaker or hospice aide services or both may be covered on a 24-hour continuous basis during periods of crisis, but the care must be predominantly nursing care. The purpose of continuous home care is to achieve palliation and management of acute medical symptoms. Continuous home care is only furnished during brief periods of crisis as described in Sec. 418.204(a) and only as necessary to maintain the terminally ill patient at home.


To document CHC in Hospice Tools use the CHC documentation provided within the Nurse Chart section of the EMR. 


Suggested Work Flow: 

  1.  Complete a Change in Level of Care form: to document that the patient transitioned from one level of care to another, this will also establish the official date in which the level of care changed. The Change in level of care form will go to internal MD for signature via the dashboard
  2.  Update the Level of Care on the Patient's Intake Screen: The patient's level of care should be immediately updated on the intake screen. ex: If the patient was a Routine Home Care, update to Continuous Home Care)
  3.  Recommended Documentation for CHC: 
    • Recommend process for documentation at least hourly
    • Reason for continuous home care
    • Vital signs (as appropriate)
    • Observations of the patient’s condition
    • Interventions used to achieve palliation of physical or emotional symptoms
    • Services provided to the patient
    • Medications given and the patient’s response
    • Treatments completed and the patient’s response
    • Contacts made to the hospice and/or attending physician
    • New or changed orders received
    • Family response to care (as indicated)
    • Detailed discharge planning to transfer the patient back to routine home care as soon as the
    crisis subsides.
    • There is no specified frequency of documentation for CHC in the regulations or guidance. However, since CHC is for acute symptom management or some other crisis and billing occurs in15-minute increments, the best practice standard is to document at least every hour.
    • Suggest an MAR and narcotic count at each nursing staff shift change

Hospice Tools Documentation for CHC: 

  1. Continuous Initiation sheet: This document is used to provide specific details such as co-morbidities, team members assigned, state of crises, & specific orders
  2. Continuous Care Specific Instructions :(this can be combined with the CHC Initiation sheet)  email for this document modification
  3. Continuous Care Flow Sheet: This is used to take the patient's vitals, (this can be combined with the Continuous Care Hourly Documentation) email for this document modification
  4. Continuous Care Hourly Documentation: This should be completed every hour in which the patient is seen the RN,LVN,LPN, or Hospice Aides

* If the documentation is not assessable by the appropriate discipline please contact support to remove the nurse specific credential tie to the CHC documentation 


Hospice Tools Billing:

In order to bill for CHC hours, the hours will need to be entered in the ebilling module on the Patient's General Tab. If you do not have access the ebilling module, this will need to be completed by the employee who has access. 

  1. Click Patients, Find the patient. In the General tab scroll down to the to the level of care
  2. Click on CHC Hours Covered hyperlink- A side panel will appear to enter the hours and dates applicable. The dates and hours entered should match the documentation completed in edocs


Additional Resources

Medicare Chapter 9

NHPCO Compliance Guide on CHC

Help Guides:

Ebilling CHC Hours


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GIP is intended to be a short-term intervention (similar to the duration of an acute hospital stay). However, GIP under the Medicare hospice benefit is not equivalent to a hospital level of care under the Medicare hospital benefit.  The federal regulations, at §418.302(b)(4), also state GIP is “for pain control or acute or chronic symptom management which cannot be managing in other settings.” GIP may be initiated when other efforts to control symptoms are ineffective. There is no specified disease, condition, or symptom that qualifies a patient to receive GIP. Each patient and his or her symptoms will differ; GIP may be helpful to one patient and not to another with the same disease. GIP care carries specific requirements regarding where the services may be provided, as well as types and levels of staffing.


Suggested Work Flow Transitioning to GIP Level of Care:

  1. Complete a Change in Level of Care form: to document that the patient transitioned from one level of care to another, this will also establish the official date in which the level of care changed. The Change in level of care form will go to internal MD for signature via the dashboard
  2. Update the Patient's Location information in the Contact Tab: Patient's location is no longer their home. Update the address to reflect accurately where the patient is receiving their Inpatient Care eCFR :: 42 CFR Part 418 -- Hospice Care*GIP care cannot be provided in the home, in an assisted living facility, a hospice residential facility, or in a long-term care nursing facility (NF). These environments are not equipped to provide skilled nursing and medical care to manage an acute symptom crisis
  3. Update the Level of Care on the Patient's Intake Screen: The patient's level of care should be immediately updated on the intake screen. ex: If the patient was a Routine Home Care, update to General Inpatient Care)
  4. Charting in Hospice Tools: Complete the GIP Evaluation Assessment- This document is located within the nurse chart section. Documentation to support Admission to GIPLC: Complete to indicate the specific intervention necessary, symptom changes, psychological and social problems, patient/family teaching, immanent death, and additional information text box to indicate the reason this care cannot be provided in the home.
  5. GIP Nurse Visit Note: Used to document scheduled or PRN visits. Comprised of a physical assessment, wound assessment, medication dashboard, care plan dashboard, & discharge planning
  6. Medications: Update any current or submit new medication orders using the comfort kit, single medication form, or multiple medication form s
  7. IDG Updates: Using the applicable discipline progress notes, nurses need to address symptom management, observations, medications initiated and changes in medications, other changes in treatment, etc. Other IDG members need to document what they see in terms of symptom management, patient and family coping, discharge planning discussions, options for returning to the routine home care or another level of care, etc. All IDG members should document to paint a complete picture of the patient, including the pain and symptoms not adequately managed and why GIP is necessary each day the patient receives this
    level of care.

*Refer to the NHPCO GIP Inpatient Compliance Guide below on documentation during this specific level of care, including documentation pertaining to IDG

For more information: NHPCO General Inpatient Compliance Guide 

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Respite care is short-term inpatient care provided to the individual only when necessary to relieve the family members or other persons caring for the individual at home. Payment for respite care is for a maximum of 5 continuous days at a time including the date of admission but not counting the date of discharge.


To document Respite Care in Hospice Tools you can use the documentation specific to each discipline to chart for patient visits. 


Suggested Work Flow: 

  1.  Complete a Change in Level of Care form: to document that the patient transitioned from one level of care to another, this will also establish the official date in which the level of care changed. The Change in level of care form will go to internal MD for signature via the dashboard

  2. Update the Patient's Location within the Contact Tab: The patient's location is no longer their home. Proceed to change the address of the location in which the patient is receiving their care ( Medicare Certified Inpatient hospice facility, contracted Medicare-certified Hospice or SNF which has 24 hour care).
  3.  Update the Level of Care on the Patient's Intake Screen: The patient's level of care should be immediately updated on the intake screen. ex: If the patient was a Routine Home Care, update to Inpatient Respite Care)
  4.  Documentation for Respite Care: A patient’s plan of care during an inpatient respite stay would be the same as if the patient were receiving care in their home. The established plan of care visit frequency is followed by the hospice interdisciplinary group (IDG) and the facility staff would give care that the caregiver would provide in the home setting.

For more information: NHPCO Respite Care Tip Sheet

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To edit a document in Hospice Tools, click into the original document and select the amend/correct button in the upper right hand corner of the document. Proceed to select the edit button in the area that needs to be corrected.


Help guide:

Amend Correct Forms



Amend Correct Forms

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An initial bereavement assessment is performed within the first 5 days of admission. The assessment is of the needs of the patient's family and other individuals focusing on the social, spiritual, and cultural factors that may impact their ability to cope with the patient's death. Information gathered from the initial bereavement assessment must be incorporated into the plan of care and considered in the bereavement plan of care.

Help Guides:

Bereavement Risk Assessment

Bereavement CQI Report

Bereavement CareGiver Contacts

Bereavement CareGiver Report

Bereavement Care Plan




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